Welcome to...2024, 36 years of continuous service to our community!

From the first biscuit baked to raise funds for the organisation, the tradition has continued and assists the organisation to provide programmes, services and support to many and maintain the organisation's facilities.

With 13 days of baking this year from 8 to 24 April, we are ready to bake and deliver our delicious golden biscuits far and wide.

We invite all the readers of our blog to join us again this year.

As always, we would not be able to successfully hold an Anzac Bake without our many supporters - from the businesses and organisations selling the biscuits for us, suppliers, volunteers; and of course all our loyal customers who return year after year to buy our biscuits (we hope you are enjoying some as you check out our blog!) - a big thank you to all of you.

If you would like a basket of biscuits for your business to sell, please email us at
auroradisability@auroradisability.org.au or call us on 6273 0916.

Friday 12 April 2024

Day 5 - From the crack of dawn...

And the biscuit tally is...


Today we set a new total, we baked 5,090 biscuits!!! And it wasn't only the ovens that had an early start - the morning bus run included some deliveries on the Eastern shore and back at base it was fast paced!

Before we look at today however, if you'd like a fix of Anzac biscuits over the weekend, you'll find us at the Cherry Hut, Granton on Sunday, from 9.30am 😊

Now...what did we do today?

Helen and Shane started extra - 
and we mean extra - early today.

Bunnings Mornington was on the delivery list
and Dallas was happy to help.

Zipping them down the aisle to 
be snapped up by eager buyers.

While Anne took a few baskets into 
the Department of Justice offices.

Meanwhile back at Mill Lane it was business
as usual - Rod's first day of this year's Bake.

Laurie and Steph doing their bit towards the 
enormous amount of butter needed 
to be cut each day.

Therese and Peter working on preparing bags.
Peter's first day for this year also today.

Ilter and Wayne on tricky task of threading gumnuts.
Wayne relies entirely on his sense of touch to 
accomplish this and any other task.

Once the hook is through the gumnut the ribbon 
is placed around it and the hook pulled back out.
Repeat, repeat, repeat!!!

Naomi, Veronica and Alanna in the dry mix 
area, 10 cups of each ingredient per batch, 
no more, no less!

Alanna gives this batch a stir before it goes to the 
kitchen for mixing with other ingredients.

Surprise, the camera has arrived!
Alisha was concentrating on her work with Bryce
till she heard her name called.

Maree taking a turn at ovens this morning.
There are 5 ovens full - that's approximately 
60 trays of biscuits - at any time.
Not a task for the faint hearted for sure!

And powering those ovens are these people,
Jeremy and Shane rolling the mix in the kitchen.

Matthew and Rebecca in the pantry.

Along with Dimil and David.

Once cool enough, the biscuits are lifted onto 
racks to finish cooling completely for packing. 
Emma is taking a turn at that task today.

Need more biscuits! 
Helen and Michael at the packing table.

Dallas and Raj opposite.

Change of shift! Tony has arrived for his first day 
also and spends some time working with Steph.

Bill is always happy to help with anything.
Could you deliver some biscuits please? asked Ange.
Then went on to paint some signboards needed
for tomorrow...now that's multi-tasking.

And that folks is it for the first week! Thank you all for being part of the Bake, whether on this blog, helping to bake, or buying the biscuits! We look forward to seeing you all next week!

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Day 13 - It's official, Last day of Baking!

And the Final biscuit tally is... 51,720 Today we baked 1,780 biscuits,  A huge thank you to all our bakers, helpers, supporters and custome...